Colorado Law Hosts UNPF Meeting on Indigenous Peoples in a Greening Economy
Manuel Heart, Chairman of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, provides a welcome and blessing for participants.Photo credit: University of Colorado ...
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Preparing for COP26
On October 20, 2021, the American Indian Law Program at Colorado Law hosted a webinar panel on Indigenous Peoples and ...
Defend the Sacred
From North Dakota’s Standing Rock encampments to Arizona’s San Francisco Peaks, Native Americans have repeatedly asserted legal rights to religious ...
Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (UN-REDD)
From the guidelines: The UN-REDD Programme is the United Nations collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest ...
Manual for Project Managers: Free Prior and Informed Consent (Food and Agricultural Organization, UN)
From the manual: "This Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Manual is designed as a tool for project practitioners (herein ...
Guidance Note, UN Development Programme Social and Environmental Standards for Standard 6: Indigenous Peoples From the report: United Nation Development Programme’s (UNDP) work with indigenous peoples is grounded on its overall vision to ...
Guide: Know Your Rights! United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for Indigenous Adolescents The text for Know Your Rights! (written for adolescent boys and girls, aged 13 –18 years) was prepared by ...
British Columbia becomes 1st Canadian province to pass UN Indigenous rights declaration
British Columbia has become the first jurisdiction in Canada to pass legislation implementing the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples ...