From the guidelines:

The UN-REDD Programme is the United Nations collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) in developing countries.

The aim of this document is to outline a normative, policy and operational framework for UN-REDD Programme partner countries to seek [Free, Prior and Informed Consent] FPIC. (While these Guidelines often refer to “seeking” consent, this is to be interpreted beyond what should be the general aspiration and goal of every good faith consultation, and to also include the requirement to actually “secure” that consent where the circumstances so warrant (as discussed below)).

The primary users of the Guidelines will be UN-REDD Programme partner countries (who as States are the ultimate duty bearers in this context under international law) and the indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities in those countries, including those with National Programmes as well as those receiving targeted support. The Guidelines apply to national-level activities supported by the UN-REDD Programme. They also apply to activities supported by the UN partner agencies to the UN-REDD Programme in their role as a Delivery Partner under the FCPF Readiness Fund (FAO and UNDP).

Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (UN-REDD)