From the Training Module:

the Training Module seeks to achieve two major immediate objectives:

  1. To provide relevant policy information to training participants on indigenous peoples’ rights and issues as contained in UNDRIP, in particular the effective engagement of indigenous peoples and the recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights in development processes;
  2. To support the mainstreaming of indigenous peoples’ rights and issues in strategic planning processes, in all phases of development programming, from conceptualization to implementation through evaluation.

The Training Module is designed for the delivery of a training workshop for Government staff, as they are often the important people in terms of the fulfilment and implementation of UNDRIP. It is also designed to be flexible in its use so it can be tailored to suit specific country circumstances: depending on the needs of the Government, one or both of the above-mentioned objectives (information-sharing or programming support) may be emphasized, shaping the training workshop as informative and/or hands-on practice.

Training Module for Government Agencies. Facilitator’s Handbook