The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues’ Annual Session will take place from Monday, April 21 to Friday, May 2, 2025. We are excited to see that the Forum chose the theme of “Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” The provisional agenda, program of work, and registration dates can be found on the UNPFII Website.

There are three steps to register for the UNPFII Session and the first deadline is February 14, 2025.

STEP 1 (Deadline February 14): APPLY TO ACCREDIT YOUR ORGANIZATION BY CREATING A PROFILE OR UPDATE/CHECK PREVIOUS PROFILE. Every person who wants to attend the UNPFII must be affiliated with an “accredited” organization or academic institution. If your organization will be attending for the first time, you must complete the accreditation process HERE by Feb 14. Tribes and Indigenous nonprofit organizations should sign up as “Indigenous Peoples Organizations” (IPOs). The UN advises that the mission statement provided under the “Activities” section of the accreditation form must align with Indigenous Peoples and be relevant to the work of the UNPFII. Think tanks are not categorized as academic institutions within this context.

If your organization already established a profile and became accredited in the past, you do not need to do it again! However, we recommend you check and update your organization’s profile HERE in the integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System so that you will be ready to register individuals starting on February 24, 2025.

Important: As noted in the UNPFII iCSO Guide, you must designate a “focal point” for your organization. This focal point should be a key individual in your organization who can keep the passwords safe and be available from year to year.

Once you’ve created a new profile, you should receive two emails from the UN.
The first email will confirm that your organization’s profile has been added to the online database. Please note the approval of the profile does not mean that the organization is accredited to participate in UNPFII.
The second email will confirm accreditation and invite you to register the individuals who will attend from your organization (your tribe, entity, or institution).

STEP 2 (February 24 – March 21, 2025): REGISTER INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPANTS. This applies to all attendees, whether first time or repeat participants. A link to register your participants for first time registrants will be provided in the second email referenced above. Once the registration period opens, the registration link will also be available under the “Registration” tab of the UNPFII Twenty-Fourth Session- 2025 Website. Once you register, you will receive an email from the UN confirming your registration.

STEP 3 (Upon arrival in New York): Each individual will need to visit the UN Badge Office to receive the credential allowing them to enter the UN building. More information on this to come.

If you have any questions about registration, reach out to us at

UN Permanent Forum 2025 Registration – First Deadline is February 14, 2025